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Home » Pacific Contact » First Timer’s Guide to Pacific Contact – Contact Room Delegates

First Timer’s Guide to Pacific Contact – Contact Room Delegates

PC 2024
We have created a guide to Pacific Contact to help you plan and get the most out of the conference experience. Attending the conference requires preparation, a multi-year approach, and an investment of time, energy and money.

About Pacific Contact


Pacific Contact is the BC Touring Council’s annual showcase and booking conference for the performing arts. It includes artist showcases, a Contact Room (tradeshow with artists and agent/managers booths), workshops and meetings, networking and hospitality. Juried showcases include Music, Dance, Theatre and Variety acts showcased for delegates who book for adult and family audiences. For more information: Click Here

Setting Goals: Setting goals for your conference experience will help you focus on why you’re attending. Your goal could be simple: attending all events or meeting a certain number of presenters from a specific region to learn about what they present and how and when they book. 

Prepare your schedule: We highly encourage you to review the schedule before you arrive to familiarize yourself with the events. The schedule runs from morning until evening, so informing yourself will help you prioritize how you spend your time and when to plan some downtime. Pay particular attention to the times in the Contact Room. The Contact Room is where to discuss bookings and learn more about the presenters. 

A schedule at a glance is here:
(subject to change without notice).

Identify people you want to meet: The list of delegates will be available on our website prior to the conference. It will also be available in your registration package. Each delegate listing features a link to a website (where applicable). Do your research ahead of time so you know a little about who is attending. You are there to network and develop relationships that will lead to mutually rewarding career-long opportunities. Participate as much as possible, which is key to getting the most out of the experience. You will make stronger connections with people if they remember meeting you or simply seeing your face!

Banquet Meals at PC

Some of your best connections will come from attending meals or at hospitality events in the evenings. Use this time to get to know people informally.

Attend the Artists/Artistic Companies or Agent/Managers Meetings
These meetings provide an opportunity to meet with colleagues from across Canada to share successes and discuss touring experiences.

Attend Other Events: Attend workshops and meetings to take advantage of the professional development offered. Meeting your peers is a great way to share valuable information, discuss important issues and ask questions.

Sign up for the One-to-One Meetings
These session opportunities are designed specifically for delegates who wish to engage in one-to-one discussions about booking and touring. The sign-up for the meetings will be available in late March.

Late-Night Hospitality: All delegates and showcasing artists are invited to the late-night hospitality on Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights.


Conference Tips

Pacific Contact Registration Package

You will receive a printed program as part of your registration package. The program features a detailed schedule, showcase artists’ bios/photos and contact information, a Contact Room layout and list (alphabetical and by booth number), a list of delegates, and more. 

General Tips

  • Keep notes about who you connected with, or use delegate lists to keep track of the people you meet. This will help you as you do your follow-up. 
  • Share something personal about yourself, and let people know where you’re from to help them remember you.
  • Drink plenty of water and minimize your consumption of coffee and alcohol. You are working even when attending social events.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, as you will spend a lot of time standing.
  • Don’t be shy about asking staff questions, as they are there to help you

Contact Room Details

A Schedule at a Glance is available on our website that includes the Contact Room times.

Contact Room Set-up/Strike

Set up: Thursday, April 11, from Noon to 2:30 pm – Laurel Packinghouse
Strike: Saturday, April 13, from  Noon to 1:30 pm – Laurel Packinghouse

Contact Room Times

Contact Room

  • Thursday, April 11, from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Friday, April 12, from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
  • Saturday, April 13, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

The Contact Room is locked during non-operating hours. As a registered delegate, you must be at your booth when the Contact Room is open. Also, please note the setup and strike times. The room will be open 15 minutes prior to the scheduled operating hours to allow exhibitors to prepare before presenters arrive. You should be at your booth when the Contact Room is open.

Set up: Tables are set up for tabletop displays. Tables cannot be removed to accommodate floor-to-ceiling displays or other objects. Everything you bring MUST go on the table or hang from the pipe and drape with S hooks. Please advise us immediately if there is something unusual about your setup. We reserve the right to ask you to alter your set-up if there are safety or other concerns.

Badges and Access: Unless registered as a delegate, showcase artists and guests cannot roam freely through the conference, including into the Contact Room. You must wear your badge to be allowed in the Contact Room and other conference spaces.

Etiquette: Please conduct your business at your booth and never do business in front of someone else’s booth.

Goodies & Give aways: Candies or other giveaways at your booth are allowed. Perishables such as fruit, cheeses or alcoholic beverages (wine) are not permitted.
Prize for Best Booth: We have a prize for the best booth in the Contact Room. The winner will be announced on Saturday, April 13, at the Gala Dinner & Awards, and the winner will be notified. The prize is a 1/4-page ad in next year’s printed program. 

Contact Room Tips

  • Bring extra supplies such as ‘S’ hooks, masking tape, pens, etc.
  • We will provide a small step ladder. Please do not stand on the booth space or chairs to hang banners or signage. 
  • Bring headphones to play music or show videos at your booth.
  • Don’t leave valuables. While the room is secure and locked, we recommend you take anything of value with you, including electronic devices (ipads, laptops). 
  • Please also take your personal belongings, including coats/jackets, when the room closes. 
  • You may not have access to the room during non-business hours. Staff attend showcase events and, therefore, will not always be available and onsite to assist. 
  • We will signal the Contact Room closing 15 and 5 minutes prior. Please pack up quickly, as Contact Room times are often followed by other conference events. If you want to continue your conversation with a presenter (s), please arrange to do so outside the Contact Room space.

Following up: Post-Conference

Complete the conference survey: Conference survey links will be sent via email. Please provide honest feedback with details, as your input is how we continue to improve the conference.

Follow Up: This is by far the most important thing you can do after attending any event. Send a message to all the contacts you made within a week of the event while it’s still fresh in your mind (and theirs). Be brief and relevant.

Manage expectations: Sometimes delegates want instant results but that’s not always the case especially the first time you attend. You might have just met a number of new presenters, but they might not have you in mind this year. It could be they are thinking two or even three years down the road. Think and strategize for the long term and you will notice results from your conversations.

Looking to tour Canada or the U.S.?

Go to other industry and Contact events! There are a number of them that you will be able to build on the conversations you start at Pacific Contact. It often takes a few times attending before you start to get consistent results. For a full list, visit our website:

Questions & Contacting Us

If you have questions about Pacific Contact, please contact us at: